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About Dewka

  • Birthday 09/05/1966

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    Bast Alpha Garrison

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  1. that sounds good, thank you. Id love to see it, the photo you posted wont open up but a video removes all doubt. Id love to get smaller cases for all my gear I have one of those big tubs, but Ive only got so much closet space in my house.
  2. thanks for making these visible. I had one of these cases but I couldnt get my armor to fit in there. Do you take your back and front plate apart so they will nest together? Really love the effort you put into the paint and weathering on this, it looks great.
  3. quite some time back, four years or so, I painted a scout faceplate, and painted the black surround approximately 1/3 up the inner edge. I was told this was wrong and had to redo it. I havent really been able to tell from photos exactly how far up this should extend. is there a consensus, or does it just come down to the GML?
  4. stay well away from Cucblack and all of his aliases. I waited 19 months for mine, and was part of that big topic you see at the top of the forum regading Cucblack's many many many failures. I got a Altmanns and sold it when my CB arrived, its a hair bigger, but the Altmanns was a very nice helmet.
  5. im not very technical, and when I do it I tend to do it poorly. Can you tell us about which microphone you are using? The one that came with my Aker is terrible. I got one from Amazon and it floas all over the place. Which speaker system are you using, and where do you mount your speaker? thanks!
  6. Any updates on armor since December? There's at least one other person here...who is much larger than me...who would like to go scout if big enough chest and back armor becomes available.
  7. that sounds reasonable. I have a 54" chest, and I know Scootch once spoke of making scout armor, but I think that is on indefinite hold. His Snowtrooper parts fit me great, so I had hoped that would be an option one day. I'll hold off then and wait for the new sets to come out. thanks for the feedback everyone
  8. I have read the size comparison threads, and while it seems that most people are looking for "smaller, screen accurate" that just doesn't work for me at all. Im five foot ten and well north of 300 with big shoulders. ive owned SC armor, and gave it away. it just did not fit at all and I looked really ridiculous wearing it. Im not looking for lancer spec, Im just looking for armor to wear. Ive already lost close to 50 pounds since January and it looks like I would need to lose another 100+ to make SC anything near right for me. Is there anything out there larger than SC, or should I just move on?
  9. Eric before you got to the house I tried Toms KS helmet and my lower jaw hung out of it, so the KS is a no go for me, its just too short. I spoke with Spike and , since I have yet to receive a message back from CB on any of the forms of communication I have tried with him, I may need to go that direction.
  10. Ive re-read the comparison topic and recorded the measurements from the topic. It seems i can squeeze my head in sideways but my chin will drop out the bottom. The KS ranks lower on the list for size but is the tallest, other than the all but unobtainable CB and LW. Isaac seems to have had success with the Altmanns, i just dont cherish more international shipping on top of an already pricey helmet. Does typical shipping on the altmans typically take weeks, or months?
  11. Are there meadurements for the MLC?
  12. Thanks for the topic.im in the same situation. I doubt ill ever recieve the CB i paid for over a year ago and i need a larger and taller helmet.
  13. hey everyone. over a year ago i ordered a cucblack helmet and im still waiting. im part of the long long list of people that are waiting on stuff from him. i cannot wear the SC helmet, it simply does not fit. Ive read the topics, ive done my due diligent research, and this is what im understanding: CB is the largest (1 year plus and waiting) KS is larger than SC but according to some members here there are quality issues and should be avoided. SC is commonly used by many members here (but does not fit me ive tried a few on) Rubies is far too small ( I am modding one now for another member). i dont care about weight, etc, thats never been a factor for me. Army steel pots left me with strong neck muscles. Im open to other options. I figure my money is lost for the CB since hes no longer answering his complaint topic.
  14. The dimension on that fan link is over 3"x3" x1 ". Thats a significantly large fan to fit in there. As it stands im still helmetless, mine was returned to Bolivia before i recieved it. I can only hope a replacement is sent, or im out 400 bucks.
  15. i cut the ear holes on a SC kit. i marked out where to cut in pencil and ground it out slowly with a dremel, then backed the inside of the ring with 2" black tape. You see black when you look at the helmet, with no restriction.
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