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501st Pathfinder
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About AnAnAG

  • Birthday 10/24/1974

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  • Location
    Vandenberg AFB, CA
  • Interests
    Star Wars of course, many more just can't remember...

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Looks awesome!
  2. I'm attempting to design my blaster to print it... Definitely learning a lot.
  3. The only work would be on the bucket since the rest of the armor is the same as the other clones.
  4. I wonder how long until we see a Clone Wars Scout... (See attachment)
  5. Congrats Templar!!!
  6. So how did you fix it?
  7. Again you are awesome. As always it's the small details that become the most cumbersome and time consuming
  8. Cool, nice job...
  9. Not bad, that woud save money and time. If it means less layers to wear it is ok for me.
  10. I can't wait to see it. I attempted to color an old set of capsule crew "jamas" (Air Force dark blue flight suit, yes I know my age is showing) but the color did not take.
  11. I second that, it seems like a good base color for it.
  12. I'm proud to see the spirit of teamwork is still alive.
  13. I like that , I'm in. Let the BARC era begin.
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