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Darth Templar

501st Legion (RET)
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About Darth Templar

  • Birthday 01/22/1977

Profile Information

  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    Canfield, OH
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Hockey, Computers, Web design, Costuming, SciFi and Action Movies

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Ohio Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Congrats Dave! Welcome!
  2. Congrats Jedi-Jennie, welcome.
  3. Tim Congrats and welcome to the Lancers
  4. Congrats Sentinel. Well Done!!
  5. Thanks Axel, Kelli, and Paul.
  6. Thanks again everyone.
  7. Thank you all very much. I feel honored to be able to join the ranks of the Lancers. It does feel great. I will do my best to keep those ewoks at bay. I thank many of you on BS.net, which helped get me here. Thanks again, Jim TB4240
  8. Let me know if you need anything more. Thanks, Jim TB4240
  9. Let me know if any otehr additional information is needed. Thanks, Jim
  10. Hi Chad,

    I see you found BS.net. If you need anything just ask.

    Jim (Darth Templar)

  11. Mike OMG your armor work is phenomenal!!! I am blown away!!! I love the prop-porn comment...lmao!!
  12. I was just wondering if there is any more development or updates on this topic? Thanks, Jim (DT)
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