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PFD Recruit
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  1. Dead a work. Lurking through the forum.

  2. Popping in to say HI! So many new faces!!!

  3. Passwords still works... I shall browse and see what's new with all the cool peoples here.

  4. So many new costumes here! I should visit more often

  5. Was told by a couple of 501st members that I wasn't a big enough Star Wars Fan. Not quite sure what that is supposed to mean...

  6. I wonder... would the Beach Trooper from SWRA be considered part of the "Scout" family of armor? Discuss!

  7. The sound of silence.... only Endorian Crickets could be heard...

  8. The sound of silence.... only Endorian Crickets could be heard...

  9. Research. Research. Research.

  10. A new year. Still smells like the old one.

  11. Finished the Crucible Red Supreme Dalek from Doctor who. Yeah me! A prop built for me alone!

  12. Well done. How much more do you have to do?
  13. Stepped back into the vault and found a half-altered DP/Rubies Scout helmet. It's missing the flanges on teh bucket side.. so its not screen accurate anymore. I wonder if I should finish it and then sell it as a display piece? Still needs decals though.

  14. Stepped back into the vault and found a half-altered DP/Rubies Scout helmet. It's missing the flanges on teh bucket side.. so its not screen accurate anymore. I wonder if I should finish it and then sell it as a display piece? Still need decals though.

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