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LadySewForUs last won the day on January 19 2012

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  1. Try Arkady... She is on TDH..... Or, can you email me again? I am sorry that I missed your email I am seriously swamped. Put "ALTERATIONS" in the subject line. I can ask Arkady if she may want to help you. She is in So Cal as well.
  2. One more pic added to the initial post, Of the complete kit.
  3. Thanks everyone!
  4. The problem is my timeline. As many of you know, I am terribly behind on my commissions. So, at this time, I am not taking orders. Realistically, if I was to take an order now, it would be about a year from payment. That I horrible, and I am doing everything I can to make it better. But this is the situation at this time. I have finished this and have added pics to the first post. Thanks Mark! Debbi
  5. I am not taking orders for this right now. But I have seen discussions, so I wanted to share my version of a two piece flightsuit. When suited up, there will be no difference in the appearance of this flightsuit. There is a zipper in the "top" just as in the standard flightsuit. The "pants" will have the needed suede and thigh straps. The top will tuck down into the pants, and this appearance when suited up, will be the same as if it was a standard flightsuit For now, I have the top completed. This is for a female biker scout. Now I have the "pants" And how it looks in one piece... Here is the complete kit, with the two-piece flightsuit underneath. No visible difference.
  6. Sounds ok to me.... and I will be implementing this from today onward.....
  7. I think it would be a bit excessive if we are to state "the inside seam allowance must be 3/8" or must be 1/2" " I do think that is a bit much. Marcel, as you know, I do not normally argue over any requirement, but I will argue against requiring a certain measurement of seam allowance. (Even the Fett's are not THAT anal, lol)
  8. Can you please clarify what you mean with this statement, "and the return can be seen inside just." ?
  9. I have been "top-stitching" the pouches for years. But I have no problem with not top-stitching. I have no problem with attaching the velcro so that it is not seen from the front. Just say the word.
  10. Good find! I am curious to see what the others have to say.
  11. New pics on post # 1 Thanks for the bump/reminder!!!
  12. I have been using a new supply of fabric and webbing for this cummerbund, but have not yet posted new pictures. I have shipped a few with the new fabric, and have good feedback. I will post a new picture by the end of the day today (as long as I do not get too busy and forget ) Debbi
  13. Can you please email me at debbi@ladysewforus.com?? Thanks! I am using a different fabric and different strapping now. I will try to get pictures up soon.
  14. Hm, I supposed that could be done. And it would not be seen, the only thing I would not be sure of is what that will do to the way it fits in the butt. Once completed, it may feel odd. On a typical pants pattern, there is a curve at the crotch. What if you added the fabric around the waist, but tapered the "waistband" so that you are not affecting the zipper. What if you made a tapered waistband, in the back only. I made up a very elementary "paint" drawing as an example. Maybe this would help.
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