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501st Pathfinder
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loosetoon last won the day on February 13 2013

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24 Excellent

About loosetoon

  • Birthday 08/05/1964

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    Lawrenceville, GA

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Georgia Garrison
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  1. It is pretty cool to be getting a free $300 Vader helmet with free shipping. But I wonder what happened to all of these? Throw some of these into my box, too!
  2. I could wear my old glasses under my KS but not under an SC. Then I got new glasses and they are wider. So now I can't wear them under either bucket. Keeping my old glasess as trooping glasses with the KS, although I'm in the process of converting an Altmann's to be troopable. We'll see how the new glasses fare there..
  3. Guessing the longer black decals are for the black around the nose plate.
  4. For some reason stirrups don't work well for me. My feet still seem to slide out of them. I made some elastic straps with velcro ends that I just wrap around close to my ankles. Also tucking into your socks works like a charm.
  5. I keep an Aker amp in one of my pouches.
  6. I agree with NegativeEleven, the pouches weigh down my bund, although I did mine a bit differently. I added new pieces of velcro to the fronts of the flaps, keeping the Velcro on the back as well. Back flap velcro attaches to the bund... front flap velcro attaches to the inside of the chest armor. Makes a nice tight locked seal.
  7. Your pouches are worn too far forward. Rule of thumb is to line the insides edge of each pouch with the last bund stitch on each side.
  8. If it's fully finished like the photo then $250 is a good price.
  9. Same as one of the Amazon links above, these are from JC Whitney: http://www.jcwhitney.com/interstate-leather-universal-insulated-leather-motorcycle-gloves/p2000067.jcwx?filterid=u0j1
  10. Remove all of the URL tagging stuff. You should only have the URL of your photo between the IMG codes. Like this: [img*]http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae338/Swampfox83/DSCN0179_zps9c99a3a8.jpg[/img] I added the * so you could see what the code looks like. Remove the * and you'll see your photo in your post.
  11. If only a LW could be purchased.....
  12. Here's one:
  13. I'll have to look at the blu-ray. The MOM pic posted above definitely shows the Velcro stitches as visible.
  14. Better measurements to provide would be your head size...
  15. I make sort of a velcro sandwich. Velcro on the back of my bund attaches to velcro on the vest. Velcro on the back of my pouch flaps attaches to velcro on the front of my bund. Velcro in the inside of my armor attaches to velcro on the front of my pouch flaps. Recap: Velcro on vest, velcro on both sides of the bund, velcro on both sides of pouch flaps, velcro on inside of chest armor. Locks everything nice and tight in place.
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