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501st Legion (RET)
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About vader674

  • Birthday 06/03/1965

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  • 501st Garrison
    Dune Sea Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. WHOOT!!!! Its nice to be back where the whole thing started!!! THANK YOU!!!!
  2. Here ya go, this is my completed (almost, nothings ever done) BARC trooper. Armor and Bucket courtesy of the master. PGHFett
  3. YEA! Glad someone is willing to deal with this issue!!!
  4. Its not that expensive...lol...id keep one around for just in case....lol
  5. not bad, a little heat then set about 15 lbs of books on top of it. it slowly went flat. easy to heat it to much but you can get two lens's out of one visor.
  6. found it on a motor cycle helmet supply web site. Lens takes a bit of playing around with but works nicely. I still need to get pics up on here...lol
  7. Yea! I found a green mirror optical quality lens for the bucket! Pics up soon!!
  8. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this and I'm not sure how it happened but somehow by moving from Michigan to Arizona last July, I have gotten myself in the middle of some kind of a recasting war. MY CASE--- I purchased a BARC helmet from a 501st guy in Ohio about a year and a half ago which he was selling because he said he just didnt have time to work on it, and was looking to a member here for Armor to complete my BARC costume only to discover this morning that I will not be able to get said armor due to a member here in the garrison I am now a part of knocking off the work of a member here on BSN. I do not even know the member here in Arizona that is the culprit. I fully understand that the BSN member who has put in tons of work being miffed about having his awsome, hard work coppied, but I can not for the life of me understand how or why I am being punished for it. All I wanted to do was put a costume together. If I somehow I have gotten myself caught up by purchasing a recast helmet (I have no way of knowing if it even is or isn't) I wish to publicly appologize and offer to not use the helmet I have and get one from a legitimate source. I just want to complete my BARC project with the highest quality parts available. I have been blocked by the BSN member from PMing him to explain my case so I felt this was my only choice. I am not angry with the BSN member only disappointed that because I moved to Arizona I have been ostricized. I therefore throw myself on your mercy and beg for forgivness.
  9. Thanks Mike! I finally found the ink but cleaned the hobby shop out of the one small bottle they had...lol....will need more for the armor.
  10. The wheels of the Empire move slowly sometimes...lol
  11. I found the citadel paint, but not the ink, so for the wash i used Golden(brand) transparent light green air brush paint and a damp rag. took a few tries to get it right, but the final product worked out great! Plus it cleans up with water. I got the airbrush ink at an art supply store.
  12. Thanks everyone! The wash is the trick to make the helmet pop!
  13. Paint job complete!!! Now I have to finish the inside...lol...foam, amp Speakers, fans, ect ect ect...lol
  14. Almost done.....
  15. Here is more photos..... spent all weekend working on it..lol..going cross eyed from the detail painting....but i think its looking ok so far!!
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