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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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About 303trooper

  • Birthday 01/21/1976

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    Motorbikes, my family, music...

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    UK Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Mine took 3 and a half weeks to build and send primed from his homeland to uk so don't stress too much mate.... Any day now and you will be the Cheshire cat mate...
  2. Just get as fine as you can mate... Pop into your local car or DIY store.
  3. I have grade P1000 but i reckon that you should maybe go higher... All you want it to do is give a good key for the gloss to go on.
  4. I have been told to give it a light wet sand over to take any residue dust off it. Also I received my mlc the other day and the inside was already painted black. Just to save you the inconvenience should you want it to be that way. And I've been advised once after wet sanding to go over the Helmet with White primer anyway. Just the way ukscout has..
  5. Smoooooooooothhhh!!!!!
  6. Look forward to this build. If all goes to plan I may be on the list for one too. Excellent work John. I dont hate you though Andy but hope to see you in it soon..
  7. Murdock.'I love your idea on the bridge coverings. I currently isethe t shape elStic with a band of White slStic going over it with a slit for the black elastic to stick through for the shoulder bell but I know that's now lanced status so I will be using that with your permission please. Just need a little bit more webbing now. Thanks for sharing though...
  8. I'm hoping the decals he had Rob were not like the ones he tookthe screenshot from so didnt question whether they were all the same length.. They were from the lid that was preserved if I'm correct and a couple had just worn away??
  9. Congratulations.....
  10. So the stripes on your decals are all the same length? Cool... Just get that grey detail on then and you're good to go..
  11. I dont know what reference the black fish hook one has to be honest mate but the one to be used is the grey decal. That's the one used in the films and in all costuming organisations. It won't be cleared without it mate. Best take it off and apply the grey one. Also, the stripes You have there on those decals should all be the same length. Is that a picture of the decals you got or is is from a screenshot from the net?
  12. Hey buddy. Send Doozer a pm on the ukg boards. He has a good idea. Or you can get him here under the same username. I believe he uses elastic fed through the strap with a popper on the other side of the lid. Hope this helps.
  13. His aerator?? Guess I'd better get one from moncal if the mlcv3 one isn't up to scratch. I'll wait and see and when they it gets here I'll put it up for y'all to compare.... Simples. ;o)
  14. Haha, sorry there.. I'll bear that in mind. I have a Don Jarr one from when I was modding my first choice of TB lid.. The good old Rubies. So I still have one.. Was just wondering if it was as good if not better than the others out there....
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