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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by darthnova

  1. Thank you for the rich Information you have collected here. My result for my daily bag:
  2. 3/11 Das Dschungelbuch rockt ;.)

  3. Great Job! Congratz and welcome to the Lancer Squad!
  4. Congratz and make us proud
  5. Very good work! respect!
  6. Congratulation, thanks for honoring me! You make me proud!
  7. Congratz, welcome to the squad!
  8. Go on! I think your result would be great! Just like your last projects
  9. great costume! Good to see one of Mikes Kashyyk Troopers comes to live!
  10. Welcome to the Squad
  11. Welcome to the Squad! Congratz!
  12. GREAT!!!
  13. 2x Marcel are Lancer, great! That shows we are real clones under the bucket! Congratulation and welcome to the Squad!
  14. Go for the Clone-Scout, and let us have some pics of progress!
  15. Welcome to the Lancer squad!
  16. Great to have you with us! Welcome to the Squad! Herzlichen Glückwunsch Bernhard!
  17. That´s a amazing sculpting with this base! Great to look your progress!
  18. Good job!!! I want to see a finished BARC Trooper!!!
  19. get that! Sorry but the steam must out...
  20. signed So it is a victory for the recasters here in germany! Now they know that the people here have no other choice as to buy from them crappy copys..... They now so proud, that they are the only one who can help to get the dreams of us german members getting real! That $uck$!
  21. Wohoooo, sci-fire is on board! Excellent, welcome you guys here on bikerscout.net. I watched your progress of the clone in the CT.net, great accurate work! Glad to see that you pick up the BARC Projekt.
  22. Congratulation, welcome to the Lancer Squad!
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