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About TB-7021

  • Birthday 03/21/1989

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    The Netherlands

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Dutch Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. A bit late, but congrats! Your photo was very dark to work with, but it worked out, I just uploaded it.
  2. Hi automaton. I'm planning on updating the Lancer page. I made this topic to discuss it: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9342
  3. I added your picture to the Lancer page! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  4. Very nice! First lancer with the improved requirements, congratulations! As Marcel said, send you picture to me so I can add you to the lancer gallery.
  5. Hi Marielle, all the dutch scouts bought there undersuits in the Netherlands. That way you don't have to wait as long, you just need to do some small adjustments yourself. You can even get access to the Dutch Garrison forums to ask your questions over there.
  6. I'm looking forward to help out all future Lancers with their approval
  7. Congratulations Andi, you can send a picture for the lancer page to me.
  8. Congratulations John! I uploaded your picture to the lancer page!
  9. Looking good! Gongrats! I uploaded your picture to the Lancer page.
  10. Congratulations Amanda! I have added your picture to the Lancer page!
  11. Sorry for starting this discussion again. I pm'ed BrotherHalo a few times. Haven't heard from him in 4 months. He asked me to do the updates for the lancers page. But I still haven't received the files to update the page. Maybe someone else is working on it? I'm lancer for 15 months now, and I still don't have my picture on the lancer page
  12. Does Madphisto only make the Lancer images or does he also upload them to BSN? I can't find him anywhere on BSN. I use photoshop daily, so I made this:
  13. PM'ed him two or three times.
  14. Thanks Here is a PSD file of my picture: http://daanderuijter.nl/Afbeeldingen/7021lancerpic.psd
  15. One question.. When will my Lancer picture be uploaded to the Lancer page? Still proud to be part of the Lancer squad
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