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Everything posted by bkrtr00per1

  1. Great yeah thanks! I too have an Altmann's, so far all I changed was the traps and nose bridge decals to Trooperbays decals... Should I also change the snout as well?
  2. Thanks guys it really does help and I appreciate all the feedback. Ok so I think I know which way I'll proceed. Now Retrofire you state in the CRL basic approval, the tank topper is secured with a single metal rivet in center of the greeblie for it to be considered Lancer but can it still be glued down and riveted at the same time. And in your opinion, who's tank topper is more accurate SC's or DVH's?
  3. Hey guys I have a few questions... I'm building SC armor and was wondering on exactly how to attach the tank to the back. I have seen many ways to attach it here in the forums but was wondering what is the correct way to attach it if I want to eventually join Lancers. I recently viewed Retrofire's way with installing a tab to back then riveting down the tank. I also recently saw Mustangman's build where he used industrial strength velcro inside tank and back to hold in place. I really like the velcro way personally. So guys please let me know your thoughts so I can complete my build.
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