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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by InfraFett

  1. Plus, I took at look at RedKap suits. I may just order one!
  2. Thank you for the reply, Gentleman. I'm going to be slow about updates because of work, and I'm taking all this under consideration. I'm going to be looking into a new suit, it seems, and I'll just end up using this one for a Mandalorian. A new cummberbund also seems to be in order. On a small plus side, I at least ordered some belt greeblies today. I'll update when I can
  3. I apparently reached my limit on photobucket, and I can't link to my pictures right now. So, just go here to the RPF instead and tell me what you guys think. I had a seamstress work on my suit since I've lost a good chunk of weight. (I was 310. now 272) Would you think I still need a new suit? Cummerbund shortened, or no? and would you also say my shoulder straps need shortening, perhaps? And feel free to suggest anywhere else you see that could use a tune up. https://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/my-scout-trooper.297263/
  4. Alright. I'll be getting thermal parts next and will probably be posting me in my armor again soon
  5. broken links. edited. see next post.
  6. I just now saw this, and I just got done ordering from you. How about that?
  7. I've been working so I'll be slow at this. I've got the topper ordered, and began applying the stripes. It's not perfect, I grant you, yet it's still acceptable I hope? https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/b129/InfraFett/0/3877ddc1-7ccd-4284-a382-bdf6bc0f465b-original.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds
  8. I've been losing weight, so I had work done on my suit. Also, this armor is for people who are 6'0. I'm 6'2. that won't make a real difference, would it?
  9. Also since Studio Creations has sort of "updated" his armor, mine is indeed an older set. from 2007. (a lot of nonsense kept me from completing my armor sooner. long story.) Would that mean that my armor as a whole isn't really acceptable now?
  10. I'll be ordering a new tank topper as well, then.
  11. Thanks for the info. I'll be going to a vinyl place in a while to look around. Or internet. And this is a studio creations set, actually. You're sure I should still order another tank topper them?
  12. I'm getting closer and closer to getting my trooper done, and one of the final details I have to work on is the black plate tank stripes. I've tried to find the material, and the closest I've found is Gorilla tape. Would this work and be acceptable for lancer status? https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=_5kMXbKGEszN0PEP2qSE6Aw&q=gorilla+tape&oq=gorilla+tape&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.13605.16603..16809...0.0..0.157.1737.0j12......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.6WVyuV7qZjg
  13. Nice! thanks for clearing that up for me, guys. I'm that much closer to completion.
  14. I just want to ask here first before I purchase a balaclava. I've been to several stores and They all seem to have sew lines in the neck, as seen like the one in the link below. Are these lancer accepted or are there to be absolutely no "lines" in the neck area? Link is safe. don't worry. https://www.underarm...lava/pid1244401
  15. the texture will be ok for lancer status? And I didn't make these. Got them from a member on here.
  16. Thank you, I probably will give them a good trim on the back
  17. Hey, I've tried uploading pics, inserting the images, and it's too slow for me. so here's my photobucket for my scout trooper. How are my boots? Do They look "scaly" ? I still like these (and was told these were lancer quality?) what are your thoughts? http://s18.photobucket.com/user/InfraFett/library/Scout%20Trooper?sort=3&page=1
  18. Thank you! Although I don't think I understand when you say to heat and stretch the vinyl?
  19. Just skip to 14:45
  20. Ah, got it to work now. Here it is
  21. Hey, about boots, I had to learn through video more than photo tutorials, and this guy in the video helped me better learn how it's done. Before I attempt this, I want to know if the end result is 501st (and pathfinder?) accepted? A friend told me this boot isn't accurate, and I wanted more opinions. Cheers http://youtube.com/watch?v=gRiPJV2020w
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