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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Dreadmel

  1. Dang it now i'm going to be in debt again after i just got out of it.........
  2. Anyone in the 501st look up in the clonetroopers page 3, there is a sorry looking BARC that was accepted. I thought we had standards..... If it's someone from here, seriously you're kidding me.
  3. Hey lazy aren't you done yet, sheesh!!
  4. Don't flex the guns man, you might make the armor pop off
  5. Yeah get to work
  6. Yeah Army after our discussion yesterday gotta be a vest and I agree with Madphisto that it looks like a hard shell. It looks like it is attached to the vest and there is no belt. Unless the belt is under the vest.
  7. When the clones are attempting to kill Yoda from behind the BARC uses a carbine I believe.
  8. I think it's armor, the shoes at least like Jango's foot armor. Something close to it.
  9. Those aren't bad at all. Army what do you think?
  10. Glad you're back man and because of that I want to come back with BARC too. Let me know if and when you want to get together and work on some stuff.
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