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postmortem01 last won the day on November 6 2024

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    Los Angeles, CA

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    John Bush
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    Bast Alpha / Socal Garrison
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  1. Sorry guys. We're just finishing up on this movie in California and then we'll be in full production. Molds are made. It's just an impossible schedule to do blasters while working 6 and 7 days a week.
  2. We're trying to make sure we get the blasters right for y'all. The DLT-19 and the hold out pistol are the two we are currently working on. We made a few modifications to the 3D printed master but we are now ready to start molding the scope. https://www.facebook.com/BlasterMaker
  3. Will this still meet super duper status if we put real transistors on them? I can't post images because of some max total size thing. Anyone know how to fix this?
  4. Ok. We'll reprint today. The mold should be done by this weekend.
  5. I modified the model to match the pictures above. Does this pass for "hero" style? Again, this is still based on our scan of a stunt version.
  6. This is the master currently. This will be molded by end of the weekend.
  7. It's easier to cast in black for us so it really doesn't matter to us either way.
  8. I mean, we can cast the lenses clear with the fluorescent rod in the center as you would normally see if it were unpainted BUT, again, I don't believe that is accurate. We just get so many requests about the scopes being see-through on the E-11 blasters that I thought I would ask.
  9. We're getting ready to make the biker scout pistols again. We've made a newer slightly more accurate master from the scans of a screen used prop. Question: Is there any reason to make the lens on the single-point scope clear for biker scouts as an option? I don't believe they were ever clear in the film but I know how sometime people like to have scope details. Just a question I thought I would ask before we run the new molds. The DLT-19X is in the works also with the scope already mounted as well. Our version of the DLT-19X will be the Battlefront version with the scope and no bipod. This will be made to the same quality as our DLT-19's that we have made over the years. We've never really addressed the needs of the Pathfinders as far as the DLT-19X goes.
  10. Sounds like Bubba Kenobi has already found someone who would be willing to make these. The picture I posted earlier in the thread is what the boots look like in the CG file. I think that these need to be shortened a little and made of softer material higher up to allow the armor to set over top properly. Just my two cents worth...
  11. We might be willing to help with the masters of the soles if someone else will spearhead the actual molding and manufacturing of the boots.
  12. Is this boot maker located in the US?
  13. I rendered these out today. I hope these help. I'm sure I'll be working on mine very soon also.
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