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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Krizzle

  1. Nice work on this helmet dude, hopefully get me one on his next run.
  2. Looks amazing, cant believe that's a DP
  3. Great work, that looks nice and would also be interested in how you went about sanding/painting this bad boy and still have it working
  4. Fantastic work as always Frank. Can't wait to see this completed.
  5. Looking good there tree dodger
  6. I plan on using some welding gloves when handling the plastic, cheers for the advice. I think my armour set is SC, that's what i was told but not 100% sure as I didn't buy it direcltly.
  7. Cheers for the replies guys. I will be borrowing the wifes hair dryer at the weekend. Will post a new pic up when completed
  8. Hey guys, I have a problem. I am in the process of making some changes to my armor and one problem I have come across is the back and chest pieces, they don't seem to align properly. The front piece seems OK, but the back appears to short and high on my back exposing my flight suit. The side pieces for the elastic, should these be level or is the back meant to be higher up? I have attached some pics to hopefully explain better. I am thinking I messed something up royally when I was cutting my armor out a few years back and cut it to short? Hopefully I wont need to buy new chest/back pieces but if I need to I will. Hopefully someone has answers as this is confusing me I thought about bridging the gap with some ABS to make the back lower but that doesn't like it will work. Thanks in advance all
  9. Cant wait to see the finished result on this!
  10. Looking forward to seeing this turn out buddy
  11. Wow!! The marines costumes look awesome!! I used to have a nerf gun, looked like a Tommy Gun
  12. Looking good buddy!!!
  13. Fantastic buddy!! I cant wait to see the final results of this project
  14. Wow! This looks fantastic! I love the BARC
  15. Amazing i cant wait to see the finished article! A true inspiration to all /salute
  16. Wow....this costume looks amazing!
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