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501st Legion (RET)
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Evil-Inc last won the day on July 10 2014

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44 Excellent

About Evil-Inc

  • Birthday 12/20/1967

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  • Location
    South Australia
  • Interests
    Star Wars / Stargate / Transformers

501st Information

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern Dewback Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Any update on a possible release date projected for the Scout buckets Gino?
  2. Nope, the Altmann buckets are 4 pieces. Face, visor, done, rear.
  3. An Altmann's helmet isn't that hard to source these days & I still say it's one of the best. I wear an Altmann's bucket with a MC kit.
  4. That's because Altmann's isn't a "factory". In reality, it's still a fan produced item. You have to expect some variations.
  5. I also like how they gloss over the facts that on the Don Post Deluxe - 1: The fish hook emblem on the cheek is wrong. 2: There is no defined black outline around the snot area. 3: There is a black line across the plate on the snout plate. 4: The bolts on the visor are completely wrong - no where near the correct item. But hey, the Don Post helmet is glossy... there's the win right there obviously.
  6. If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for it to arrive after you ordered / paid for it?
  7. I've got # 31 & 156.
  8. An SC will not fit a large head, it's probably the smallest helmet available.
  9. Altmann's is pretty much the same size as KS, very roomy inside & more sturdy than a KS IMO. It's also larger than a SC.
  10. One of the best things about wearing the Scout is not needing fans. It gets bloody hot here in Australia but have never had fans in my bucket.
  11. I'll make enquiries with a mate to see if he has any buckets available.
  12. I'd pass on both & try to get an Altmann's bucket. Better quality, comes pre-built & will be around the same price as the KS (if not cheaper).
  13. Whilst I was really happy with my Mon Cal kit, it took close to 8 months to get to me a couple of years ago.... As Lou has said, Cal has never ripped anyone off & everyone eventually receives their items. It's just the LONG wait that is the killer...
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