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Army Scout

501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Army Scout

  1. We have a forum for these kinds of messages..... Try again...
  2. Did you get you pic to Madphisto? Chris
  3. Your right pouch looks lower than your left one, or am I just seeing things? Chris
  4. Consider this topic PINNED! Great work! Chris
  5. I would like to announce that Brotherhalo is now the Pathfinder Detachment Leader. Good Luck Bob and have fun CHris
  6. My Pleasure! Please let me know if you run into any issues, I'll make sure you get in contact Chris
  7. Hey Neil, Head to this URL and fill it out. This will get you pointed in the right direction. http://www.501stlegion.org/request.php Chris
  8. Gratz Bob! Not much is gonna change site wise except your title Chris
  9. Links are hard for us to look at so I changed em to pics Chris
  10. Also, Do you have the vest and a hood? Chris
  11. Hey Don, Looks good but you will need to change your bicep T-bits the the more accurate ones. What helmet is that? Chris
  12. Ok troopers, This topic is dead! I don't condone recasting and I will not allow recasted items to be sold on BSN. I know the 501st does not have a stance on recasting, but I do! I will be removing his account as he requested. Chris
  13. Thanks Bernhard! Well get back to you soon! Chris
  14. Thanks Tim, Well get back to ya soon! Chris
  15. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=4383
  16. Read and you will find your answer Chris
  17. Hey Col Toledo, Nice to have you onboard! I have upgraded your status so you can see more of the board now. Welcome aboard! Chris
  18. Hey troopers, I have been talking with the guys over at Scifi Armor about the Kashyyyk Scout. We have some great news!!! They will be producing armor! They are "Growing" the 3D molds as we speak! They will be offering the helmet 1st and the armor in the near future. They are looking at the 1st of they year to start taking orders. We should have some pics soon. Chris
  19. I have renamed all the forums to Kashyyyk Scout. After talking to a few folks in the know (LFL hookups) we needed to change Chris
  20. Ill be posting some info in a few minutes! Chris
  21. Hey Phil, I have a meeting on Sunday with someone who does kick ass work. The BARC project is not DEAD....just resting. My guys say they may be ready to start running suits in Jan. But don't quote me on that Chris
  22. Thanks guys, but we lose a respected member of this forum due to his gear getting recast. Mike worked is ass off to get that BARC armor ready and Jason screwed him over. Not how 501st members should treat each other! Chris
  23. I suspended him for 30 days until I find out If I can perm ban him! I don't like recasters and I really don't like recasters who admit it! Chris
  24. You got that right..... Bye..... Chris
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