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EFX Scout Trooper helmet -update

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Hey guys, just thought I'd pop in here and give a small update on the EFX Scout Trooper helmet.

Things are moving forward, albeit slowly but picking up steam.

We've just got our first sample back from China which I'll be looking over later in the week.

From what I've seen in pics it looks pretty good but once I have it in hand I'll be going over it thoroughly.


We are entering the stage where we have to go back and forth with the factory until they are able to produce a prototype that is up to our quality standards.


Still no definitive release date or price.

I always tell people that whenever there is a significant update that I'll be sure to post it to the forums.

So here you go. :)


Here's a quick pic. Pay no mind to the bolts in the visor. Also we're still going to work on getting the visor interior smoothed out and not raw fiberglass showing.







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Looks great but I need more pics.... :( Also It would be great if you lined the inside of the helmet with soft padding and then lined it to make it look great. Like I say...If I am going to spend the money for a great helmet I want the helmet to look as good on the inside as it does on the outside.


P.S. Also see this on your sig "Product Developer for Sideshow Collectibles." could you some how sneak out one of these out the back door...just saying..:ROFL...:):)



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Fully realizing that the pic is a prototype, I hope the bottom of the faceplate isn't anywhere near as flared out as it looks in the photo. And maybe it's just the angle, but the snout looks kinda short.


Not trying to poop on anyone's parade, just some observations. :)

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Lookin pretty good! The one i saw at CV (or was C6..i dont remember lol) looked pretty good too and that was likely and early prototype! Looking forward to this one! This will be the one to display! :D

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Any of you guys coming to SDCC have to come by and see me at the efx booth and l' ll let you get up close and personal with it. Maybe even show you some behind the scenes stuff that I can't post publicly. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

The helmet on that promo pic looks very nice. Though it looks a lot different than the prototype posted in the introduction.

Too bad...that it is unaffordable for me - with customs and shipping on top that will be like almost double the price.

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The helmet on that promo pic looks very nice. Though it looks a lot different than the prototype posted in the introduction.

Too bad...that it is unaffordable for me - with customs and shipping on top that will be like almost double the price.


Try to get it from an EU dealer

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