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Bolt kit instructions


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I just got my correct bolt set in the mail for my helmet. Searching for any sort of instructions, I either can't find anything or the photobucket curse has killed any photos.

Can someone post a picture of the correct order these go in, or some sort of instructions?

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What I did was trim off the plastic threads just above the square base and then drilled a shallow hole in the square where the threads were. Don't go all the way through! The hole I drilled was a bit smaller than the diameter of the replacement threads I was using. I removed the bolts from my Altmann's and removed the threads. I heated the threads up on my stove (please be safe doing this!) and gently pushed them into the hole I drilled out. Go slow so you keep the thread straight and square. Let them cool.


Now comes the slightly scary part. Push the bolt through your visor/helmet and using the square base as a pattern mark your helmet visor and trim it out using a hobby knife. The bolt should now sit flush. Take a lock washer and a nut and assemble you visor back together. Remember to not overtighten! Your lid should be good to go. I didn't use the remaining pieces in the kit just the covers.

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Depending on your helmet, you drill a 1/2" hole on the outside, 1/4" hole on the helmet side and just push the bolt into place. Then line up the holes, put the bolts in and screw on and hand tighten the plastic nuts. That's what I did for my KS helmet and it's still together.

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heres my donp rework method


after filling in the original holes (they where off center)

~ i found center and marked out a 3/8" square on the visor section .. cut out the square leaving the line and fit the 3m bolt and trimmed as necessary till i got a tight fit

~ then i found center on the helmets raised area and drilled a hole on the helmet section .. slightly smaller than the 3m bolt as to make a tight fit

~ used only the bolt and nut


*yes, the 3m bolt i used/recieved is not the correct grey concaved 3m bolt(false advertising is all i can say) -- when i get the correct 3m bolt though it will pop right into place









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That looks great. Nice work! If you need the grey bolts I have an extra 3M set I can spare. Shoot me a PM.

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