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Don Post Bikerscout mod build

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This is a documentation of my don post helmet mod. I found this helmet on eBay spray-painted black with the metal wires already installed, for 85$ I thought it was a great price and a better sized helmet to me compared to my CB helmet. This Don Post lid also had 6 holes in it! 4 on the visor and 2 in the face-plate, which I had to fill and sand. Please note this is also my first time spray painting and I think I did a pretty bad job with it. Soon I am going to repaint it or get it painted for me. This helmet is still not complete and is a work in progress but its close, with many flaws. I had to replace the snout too, luckily it came with a accurate snout ready to install! It also came with accurate bolt not installed, they were such a pain to install I screwed up the paint next to the bolts. I had to get a trooperbay visor but it is too thick is there any thinner visors that are still dark?














On to the snout, this was a tedious process, I liked the mod the previous owner made by using a real aerator on the helmet, So I left that, and cut the crappy model piece out and cut the new ones areator off and joined the two together.



Cutting up the new accurate piece was a chore, I had to use a kitchen knife to saw at it till I removed the fake aerator.



Ready to paint, Primer:



Then glossy coat, I had numerous paint runs and paint chips already after painting I believe I handled it too much and did not let it dry, again I am going to repaint this or get it painted.



This is how it looked a week ago, next to a SC helmet.


Next to an MTK helmet:



Next to a CB helmet, both I feel I have to repaint












Updates will be posted when they happen!

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I've got a Don Post that I'm about to start modifying. Mine also has the holes in the cheeks, and the rivets in the top of the visor. What did you use for filling? Also where did you get an extra set of stickers and the correct bolts for the visor? I feel that if I can get those parts, a rebuild/paint will not be terribly difficult.

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